Latest feedback
Ship this ✅

PayPal integration

20% of users are asking for it, I need it to grow revenue.

Images should be smaller

They're cropped on mobile.

Not that ❌

Dark mode

PS: I don't pay for your app

Ship features users (really) want

Collect feedback from your customers, prioritize features, and build a product users love.

It's 100% free. Really.

Amazing. Canny has a lot of small annoyances.

@levelsio feedback for ZenVoice

Pieter Levels

418K followers on 𝕏

Really useful product

@Matt_heyqq feedback for ZenVoice


3,239 followers on 𝕏

80% of startups fail because founders build useless products


Launch new feature


But nothing happens


Lose motivation and quit

Ship features
users really want

Collect user feedback

Use your Insighto's board to let users submit features they want.

Suggest a feature

Notifications should be visible only on certain pages.
Terms & privacy pages don't need them

Prioritize features

Users upvote features they want. You know what to ship next.

Add LemonSqueezy integration to the boilerplate

Yes, ship this! ✅

A new pricing table for metered billing

Maybe ship this 🤔

A new UI library for the dashboard

But don't ship that ❌

Your brand, your board

Customize your Insighto board with 7 themes.
Trending feedback

Clickable cards

Make cards more accessible

Bigger images

Make cards more accessible

Trending feedback

Clickable cards

Make cards more accessible

Bigger images

Make cards more accessible

Trending feedback

Clickable cards

Make cards more accessible

Bigger images

Make cards more accessible

Trending feedback

Clickable cards

Make cards more accessible

Bigger images

Make cards more accessible

Trending feedback

Clickable cards

Make cards more accessible

Bigger images

Make cards more accessible

Discover new ideas

Users can chat and discuss features.
Can we have a feature to add a custom domain to IndiePage?
Marc Lou
Marc Lou
Sep 1, 2024
I'd definitelly pay for that 🤩
Dan K.
Dan K.
Sep 2, 2024
Where's the pricing?There's none, because Insighto is 100% free 💛

Ship features users (really) want

Marc Lou
By Marc — maker of ShipFast, Zenvoice, IndiePage , and 20+ others.
Built withShipFast logoShipFast